Westside Journalism does No Shave November: Week 3

James Week 3

James Buckley

Well, Westside, drastic times have come. I have broken the one rule of No Shave November, and I am ashamed. In my defense, I had an important event on Saturday where I had to look professional, and let’s be honest the little facial hair I had did not look good. So, I’m basically back to square one. I’m not afraid though, it’s a scientific fact your beard grows in thicker each time you shave, so we’ll see what happens next week for the finale.

Connor Week 3

Connor Tucker

Today I see no signs of any facial hair. Mr. Schmeckpeper gave some advice to James. Maybe if Schmeck gives me some of his own I can give a few Diet Pepsis in return. I’m not saying I’m bribing him, but the guy is a king of beards. To be honest, I’ll be lucky if I am able to grow anything by next week. It would be a miracle. I actually took some time to dig into my family history in facial hair. My dad shaved once a week his senior year, even though by that time he was 17 and I am 18 now without a trace of growth. I’m only six months away from turning 19!

Steve Week 3

Steve Simon

It has been over 20 days without shaving and the different stages of my beard are all blending together. I can’t tell if the hair is actually getting longer or just filling in. I thought the results might be a bit better at this point but on the bright side there is still about a week left. Even if my facial hair isn’t great, at least I didn’t shave like James…