Westside Journalism does No-Shave November week 2


No-Shave November is one of the biggest showings of masculinity, all month guys growing out their beards to show it, Westside Wired decided to follow three journalism members on their respective beard-growing journeys. Each week the three members will give an update on their beard progress and how they feel about it that week.


James Week 2

James Buckley

Well it’s been another week and the stubble has turned into greasy looking facial hair. The shaving cream method I tried this week didn’t work (just kidding that wasn’t even a real thing), and it doesn’t help that my hair’s not dark, but I’m not worried. I recently talked to the man with the best beard in the school, science instructor Chad Schmeckpeper for his advice on growing a full, manly looking beard. His main advice for me, and anyone with my problem, is give it time. Schmeckpeper’s beard didn’t start growing in until late in high school and even then it wasn’t the lumberjack beauty it is today. With that, I’m confident my beard can be the best by the end of this. Although, it’s probably not a good sign that Gillete sent me their best razor for free yesterday, but I think that was a coincidence.

Connor Week 2

Connor Tucker

Day 16: The hairs of my above my mouth show no signs of growing. In fact, I think they have retreated into my skin because I don’t even see them anymore. It could have just been my imagination they were there in the first place. Santa Claus is more likely to exist than my facial hair. Maybe I can ask for some next Christmas. He’s got quite a beard himself, I’m sure he could share a secret or two. James doesn’t seem to be doing so well either. If all else fails, I’ll just have to do some “manly” stuff. I bet if I wrestled like JOHN CENA I could get a beard in no time.


Steven Simon

It’s about halfway through November and I’ve finally achieved coverage of all the patchy spots in my beard. I feel like I’m looking more and more like a bearded George Clooney every day. Sometimes I get mistaken for a dad rather than a high school student. If my facial hair keeps growing at this rate, the results in two weeks should be great.