Going to the Space Gray Side


It’s really not a big deal. People sometimes treat the “battle” between Android or iPhone like it is a holy war. Ask many people which phone they like more and there is a good chance they will spew details about why their Android or iPhone is better than its counterpart. I used to do this. I used to be a fanboy of Android who would spit details and specs of the latest Android device to any iPhone naysayer. I watched in glee as all my friends got terrible Androids freshman year and then continued to watch in disbelief as they switched–one by one– to iPhones junior year.

It’s really not a big deal. A phone is a phone. Both phones send text messages gossiping about who broke up with whom. Both post malevolent sub-tweets about who isn’t invited to the party. And they both play Candy Crush, all 455 levels and counting. When the gimmicky features, that both operating systems have , are cut away, the phones are very similar.

Last Monday when the shipping notification for an iPhone was sent to me, rather than feeling like I am selling my soul, I felt  nothing. I was impassive to the ordeal. See, in the weeks leading up to “the decision”, I knew that deep down I wanted to get an iPhone. It would be easier to check fantasy scores, use group messaging, and live-tweet for Westside Wired. I don’t need to launch a rocket ship with my phone, I just need it to work. For myself and what I do, an iPhone is the best fit. So on Wednesday when my iPhone arrives, I will have shifted to the what I used to think was the dark, excuse me, space gray side.