Art Department Sells T-Shirts For Second Annual Fundraiser

Westside High School Art instructor Christina Nelson was responsible for designing t-shirts for the art department’s second annual fundraiser. Students have the opportunity to purchase one of the  two available t-shirt designs and represent Westside’s art department. Nelson explains how the t-shirt sales impact the art department..

Olivia Villotta
Featured above is one of the t-shirts designed by Nelson for the art department’s current fundraiser.
Olivia Villotta
The art department’s current fundraiser also includes a t-shirt regarding the pottery classes at Westside.

“We always utilize a fundraiser to help us with our Senior Excellence and Design Art Show, that way we can provide a reception with food and drink,” Nelson said. “[Without selling the t-shirts], we wouldn’t be able to pay for it.”

Nelson said that although this is only the second year of the art department selling t-shirts, the sales have gone well so far.

“This is our second year [the art department has decided to sell t-shirts],” Nelson said. “We’ve sold 56 of the [Bob Ross-inspired t-shirt] and 14 of the pottery shirts [so far].”

Nelson said she used multiple resources to design the t-shirts.

“I [get inspiration for the t-shirts] from the internet and other sources,” Nelson said. “Then, [the art instructors] come together as a team and [see] if anyone else has any other ideas. I [also] use Custom Ink [to design the t-shirts].”

Art instructor Amanda DeFazio said she thinks specific aspects of the t-shirts are what will attract more people to buy them.

“[The t-shirts] are funny and humorous, and [I believe] that’s what’s going to make them sell better],” DeFazio said.

Nelson said she has used various platforms to spread the word about the t-shirts being sold.

“I have put it out on [Westside’s facebook] and have emailed all the [art students],” Nelson said.

DeFazio said students can email any art teacher if they are interested in buying a shirt.

“We’ve [emailed students about the t-shirts] so they can contact one of the art teachers if they want to purchase [a shirt],” DeFazio said.

Contact Nelson at or DeFazio at to purchase a t-shirt. The shirts are priced at $15 and the sale ends Tuesday, Nov. 19.