Science Department Looking to Find a Home for One of Their Snakes

The Science department is looking to find a home for their ball python, Cedro.

The Science department is currently home to two snakes, Cedro a ball python, and Jesus an albino corn snake. The department is looking for a new home for Cedro for the upcoming school year. Science instructor as well as Department Chair Brenda Zabel said that in the Zoology course, the class that primarily uses the snakes, only wants to have one snake for next year’s classes. Due to this, the department is looking to find a permanent home for Cedro. Zabel said that there have been many challenges in finding a home for him.

“Snakes are a pretty non-traditional pet,” Zabel said. “A lot of times what we run into is that the student is really excited about it, but the parents and other people in the family are like ‘no way.’”

Despite the challenges, Zabel said that she is confident that they will find a home for Cedro.

“[Cedro] is elderly so it is not like it will be a 20 or 30-year commitment,” Zabel said. “There are a lot of quality people who have expressed interest.”

Sophomore Christina Manna said that she is planning to take care of Cedro for the summer. Manna said that taking care of a snake is simple if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

“The work isn’t hard, but consistency is required,” Manna said. “I recommend that if people want a snake, they do the research.”

Manna said that she enjoys taking care of Cedro and that he has a unique personality.

“Cedro is a shy snake,” Manna said. “He doesn’t go all over the place if he’s not comfortable.”

If you are interested in being the next permanent owner for Cedro the ball python, please contact Science instructor Marilyn Mendick at