Westside Journalism does No Shave November: The Final Week


James Final Week

James Buckley

It’s been a great run, but good things have to end. I’ve learned a lot on my no-shave journey. I achieved record lengths on my facial hair, I found my new favorite razor and learned an important lesson about patience with my beard. It’s been a fun month, but it’s time to go clean shaven again…

Connor Final Week

Connor Tucker

I think it is safe to say James and I lost the contest. Not that I was expecting it to go well in the first place, but it was still a fun run. I hope one day I will have a mighty beard that will put Steve’s to shame. But it is not this day. People might see me as an eccentric philosopher or a lumberjack. But is it not this day. Lord of the Rings might be overrated someday, but it is not this day. By college, I will be surrounded by bearded gentlemen and I hope I will be one of them.

Steve Final Week

Steve Simon

Well, it’s been a good run. It’s December and I still haven’t shaved. No shave November was very successful and I think I came out of it with a great looking beard. In fact, I’m considering keeping it a while longer because there’s no reason to waste such a great thing.


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