TIM TALKS: Meninist movement should be taken with a grain of salt


I, like many Westside students, have a Twitter account. Obviously, with my 59 followers I consider myself a Twitter expert.

As an avid Twitter user and expert, I have seen the controversial new account @TheMeninist. The account is a satirical take on “problems” that the male population has. I’ll admit there are some funny posts, and, with good reason, I think many people find the account quite humorous. But when I first saw the account, I immediately saw a future problem: people might take it seriously.

First, let’s get something clear. Parody Twitter accounts are exactly that: parody. They are not meant to be taken as fact. The account literally says in the description “obviously sarcasm.” So, let’s make sure to keep that in mind, guys.

I do not follow the NotSportsCenter account to learn about sports news; I follow it to laugh at its jokes. If you follow the Meninist account, do just that: laugh and do not take what it says as the truth.

Let’s give an example. One of the account’s more entertaining tweets is an obviously fake story about a man trying to decide which is more painful: a kick to the groin or giving birth. The man comes to the conclusion that a kick to the groin is more painful because females sometimes want more kids and no male wants another kick to the groin.

The story is comical, but (almost) everyone knows this as a large exaggeration and simplification. There are a number of reasons females (and males) want children that outweigh the pain of childbirth. On the other hand, there is not a single reason in the world as to why a guy would willingly take a kick to the groin. It would be plain stupid. (Side note: for all of those who are interested in which is actually more painful, there is no correct answer. Pain is determined by mood, pain threshold, etc. according to ASAP science. And if you’re interested, they have an educational YouTube video on the subject at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJeuK1Pl2bQ)

To make matters worse, there are certain posts that turn from sarcastic takes on gender equality and cross the line of appropriate humor.

Yesterday, the account tweeted a picture of a woman who was arrested for beating her husband with a toaster and not making it correctly. It tweeted alongside it (under it? I’m not good with Twitter terms), “It was her job in the first place.”

News flash: that’s not cool. First of all, domestic violence and domestic violence jokes are never funny. Ever. (By the way, let’s give a round of applause to the Westside football team for its pledge to end domestic violence).

Furthermore, the “women belong in the kitchen” idea is an overused, not funny stereotype that clearly needs to go. If you think it’s a woman’s job to cook, you’re out of your mind.

Now, I’m not saying don’t follow this account, or the many like it. Follow it if you want some good laughs. But take its tweets and ideas with a grain of salt. Do not believe what they are saying makes real sense. You can’t believe everything you see on the Internet.

While we’re on the subject of “meninism,” let’s take a quick look at why feminism is important: women still only make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, rape of women is an issue in colleges across the country and some still buy into ridiculous stereotypes about the genders.

The Meninist account is just to make some jokes and help people laugh. If you want to learn about real gender inequality, look somewhere else.