MTV’s 16 and Pregnant: problem or answer?


Whispers about a fifth season of 16 and pregnant are stirring. The controversial show was said to be ending after the fourth season, but rumors about casting a new set of girls is starting up.

Teen pregnancy… With aspects of both encouragement and discouragement, the show does primarily discourage teenage pregnancy. When the first season came out, viewers and non-viewers alike were shocked by the drama and responsibilities that came with having a baby at such a young age. The girls on the show struggled to find a balance between still being a kid and having one of their own.

For example, Farrah Abraham was a part of the first season. Her life was glorified to the point that might give some girls the wrong impression. Although you see her struggle with big decisions in her life, some of her actions were to get more attention from the press.

The show’s goal seemed to be to discourage teenage pregnancy from the start. Then as the seasons progress, the girls got more popular and things started to change. In addition, the cast of each season was getting loads of media attention. Their actions and private lives became more and more public.

The fact that the girls were getting so much attention from the press could give many girls the wrong impression. The idea of being in the spotlight can be achieved by a number of things, but getting pregnant isn’t your typical way to fame.

The show does a good job showing all the difficulties that girls go through with having a kid during teenage years. The show’s secondary purpose, immediately after the primary goal of making money, in my eyes, was to show the world the struggles of these girls. But as a result of popularity, the target for the show seems to have changed.

Overall, the show does scare off people from putting themselves in a situation that could result in a life changing decisions. The show shows how hard and how much things change in your life when you have a baby. Even with the press glorifying certain things about the girls, the show is there for a purpose, and the show does a good job of portraying that purpose.