Student saves school thousands by fixing poles


Jace Wieseler

Senior Todd Pursel fixed the discus poles to hold up the safety net. Pursel saved the school $4000. Photo by Jace Wieseler

With track season approaching, the rusted discus poles needed to be replaced — and quickly.

Custodian Tim Cox told Athletic Director Tom Kerkman the school needed new discus poles to hold up a safety net. But instead of replacing the poles, the project was taken to the welding department and given to senior Todd Pursel, a welding student.

“It was a little difficult [to fix],” Pursel said. “The post itself was pretty thin and the post that went into the ground was pretty thick so it was hard to get the machine set to where it didn’t melt through the thin pole.”

With the help of one of the welding instructors, John Bombac, Pursel was able to get the discus pole done within a week. ­­

“It was a nice experience,” Pursel said. “It was different than actual welding class. In welding class you’re doing different types of joints compared to this where you’re actually doing something to fix something instead of just for the heck of it.”

Since this project was so last minute, Pursel was able to save the school $4000, the cost of replacing the poles.

“[Pursel] really stepped up to the plate,” Kerkman said. “It was really neat to see a student be able to figure out how to take a rusted pole, strengthen it and make it safe for kids…I think they’re going to last for a while longer.”