Trunk or Treat


With Halloween fast approaching, Westside Community Schools is participating in the celebration of costumes, candy and fun. This year, Westside Middle School’s SkillsUSA club hosted a Trunk or Treat. The event, which brings together clubs from District 66 elementary schools, Westside Middle School and Westside High School, creates a safe way to trick or treat.

On Monday, students and staff of Westside Community Schools dressed up and trick or treated in the Westside Middle School parking lot. Cars sponsored by various clubs including Westside High School’s dance team, cheer team, SAB and Welcome to Westside passed candy out of the back of their trunks.

“Trick or Trunk has grown in popularity,” said Kristeen Shabram, the Trunk or Treat sponsor. “It brings families and neighbors together in one safe place.”

In addition to safety benefits for young children, Westside High Schoolers that participated found the experience enjoyable.

“It was very fun,” said Kayla Holmes, the captain of the dance team. “It was a good bonding activity for [the Dance Team] and it is beneficial for the little kids to meet the bigger kids and see them all participate in something together while having fun.”