Class with your Crush

Having your crush in the same class as you, in theory, may sound like a thing of excellence and beauty. Sure, while there is the possibility of them walking up to you after sharpening their pencil and professing their love to you (actual chance of that happening: none), having your crush in the same class as you can actually be a thing of painstaking yearning and desire.

In all honesty, it depends on what class you have with them. If it’s a class that consists of working together and lots of group projects, then yes, you probably have a better chance at attracting your crush via copious amounts of homework and possible “study” dates together. Otherwise, if it’s a class in which you don’t do any of the things mentioned in the previous sentence, you’re screwed.

Now let’s build on the scenario in which you aren’t in a group-oriented class. The hunger in your heart grows with each passing day until you either get a blood clot, move on to another person, or, you know, get the nerve to actually talk to them. Having something so attainable, yet so out of reach, can truly wear down on the mind and debate in your mind whether or not they are even worthy of a lover in the first place.

On top of that aforementioned malarky, actually going up and talking to your crush can seem like a task assigned by only the cruelest of demigods who want nothing more than to see you make an outright fool of yourself. They especially love it when your voice cracks at the beginning of a conversation with your crush, and when you can’t think of anything to say so you just stand there, basking in the awkward silence of your complete and total defeat. Now granted, this feeling of absolute trepidation in preparation of talking to your crush only applies to the neurotic and morose personalities such as my own.

If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a personality that does not cower in fear whenever your crush is within earshot, then not only do you probably have good looks, but you should go right up to your crush and talk to them. Because chances are, they probably are into you as well.

Having a class in common with a crush can end up leaving you crushed, or help you out in your plight to have all your wants and dreams fulfilled. If you find yourself feeling like the former, quietly keep to yourself and let love work in its own mysterious ways. If you find yourself feeling like the latter of the first sentence, though, then stop reading this superfluous article and go talk to them now!