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The Student-Run News Site of Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska. Keeping you WIRED in to all things Westside.

Westside Wired

The Student-Run News Site of Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska. Keeping you WIRED in to all things Westside.

Westside Wired

The Student-Run News Site of Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska. Keeping you WIRED in to all things Westside.

Westside Wired

Jacob Brodhead

Jacob Brodhead

I am a sophomore at Westside High School enrolled in my first year of WTV (Warrior Television) and set to graduate in 2025. I am a member of the varsity show choir ATSC and concert choir. I’m also involved with Westside’s livestream club, WTV Live.

All content by Jacob Brodhead
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The Student-Run News Site of Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska. Keeping you WIRED in to all things Westside.
Jacob Brodhead