PREVIEW: New opportunities and adjustments made as a team to push through

Since losing starters and a division 1 athlete from 2014-2015 team, girls varsity soccer has been preparing new strategies of scoring and communication on the field.

Captains Monica Siegel and Emily Torres have many goals set for this year and are striving for the team to become one while balancing seriousness and fun.

“Our team goals, coming together as a team to have more chemistry on and off the field, using communication and staying away from injuries,” Torres said. “Going into each game confident without predicting how the game will be […] playing 100% during the game and for every game and not going off the field disappointed without knowing we did our best. “

Coach Nathan Moseley has many goals set for this year as well. With many new opportunities and adjustments that have needed to be made. He is confident the team will remember to communicate, work together and push each other to the best they can do.

“This year’s team could be better overall, even after losing good player from the past. There are 10-11 players that are strong players to help push the team to play the best they can,” Moseley said.

The first girl’s varsity soccer game is Monday, March 21 at 5pm at Westside High School against Omaha Northwest.