Westside Journalism Does No-Shave November week 1


No-Shave November is one of the biggest showings of masculinity, all month guys growing out their beards to show it, Westside Wired decided to follow three journalism members on their respective beard-growing journeys. Each week the three members will give an update on their beard progress and how they feel about it that week.

James Week 1

James Buckley

So far so good this first week. The chin stubble is definitely coming in nice, but the rest is lacking. I recently read applying shaving cream overnight for a week can increase beard growth 100%. I’ll be trying this for the week and get back to you readers on how it works incase you’d like to try this as well. Hopefully this remedy goes well, because Steve is starting to get a full on caveman beard, and I need to pick up the pace. Connor has nothing so far, so I’m not too worried there.

Steven Week 1

Steven Simon

After about a third of the way into November, I’m off to a pretty solid start. I’m still waiting for a couple small patches to fill in but I’m on track to a beautiful beard by the end of the month. Also, the temperature outside is starting to drop and it’s likely that  by Thanksgiving there will be snow on the ground, but that’s no problem for me. By that time I expect a thick beard that’ll be like a blanket from the wind and the cold.

Connor Week 1

Connor Tucker

Today marks the tenth day of my participation in this annual event. So far, the only activity going on is a few brown hairs appearing above the corner of my lip. They can only be visible when I put my face really close to the mirror, but they are there. I expect by the end of November, I will have a full mustache – November 2016. I wonder if there is a direct correlation between how many photos I have taken for Wired, but then again I have none because I suck at cameras. Maybe I should take a selfie class.