Recap: ATSC premiere night


Senior Rebecca Erdman sings a solo for one of the five songs performed from ATSC. ATSC performed its whole show on Tuesday, Jan. 6th asa preview before its season began.

Tuesday, Jan. 6, the Amazing Technicolor Show Choir, (ATSC), had its first performance of the upcoming show choir season.

ATSC is the varsity show choir for Westside and contains both boys and girls. In the premiere, ATSC performed its whole line up of songs, which includes an opener, second song, ballad, guys number, girls number and a closer. The performance contained dancing, singing and multiple wardrobe changes for both the boys and the girls.

Beginning this weekend, ATSC will be traveling to compete against other show choir groups. There are usually 10-15 groups in the division and the top six compete in finals.

“I think we are poised for a lot of success this season,” ATSC director Doran Johnson said. “I think this group is going to keep getting better and better.”

To start off its season, ATSC is travelling to the Viterbo 101 Show Choir Competition in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. This will be just one of many competitions at which the choir group hopes to do well.

“They [Students in ATSC] are very passionate and very committed to what they are doing, so any obstacles that they may face, they are going to face them head on and figure out how to move through it,” Johnson said.

If you missed the premiere night, Westside will be hosting the Show Choir Competition of Excellence on Friday, Jan. 30, and Saturday, Jan. 31 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Although they will not be competing — they will be performing right before the awards are announced for finals.