Senior Brings Ultimate Frisbee to Senior Project

Senior Brings Ultimate Frisbee to Senior Project

With every year, and every group of seniors, comes a plethora of senior projects. They range from children’s books to fun runs to even art pieces. But this year, senior Andrew Gerber is holding an ultimate frisbee tournament at the high school. Gerber has loved the sport for many years and is looking forward to giving back to the community via the game of ultimate frisbee.

“For my senior project, I wanted to do something related to Ultimate Frisbee,” Gerber said. “I love the sport, and I want more people to know about it, especially the students, and I want the students to pay more attention to Sweet Justice [Westside’s ultimate frisbee club] because this year it kind of went a little downhill because we didn’t get much support. I want a way to get people to notice the ultimate frisbee community, especially at Westside.”

Gerber went on to give all the information concerning the event.

“The cost for a team is $5, and a team can be 4 to 7 people,” Gerber said. “It will be 4 vs. 4 on the field at a time. It will be held on Sunday, March 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact me via Firstclass if you have any questions.”

Gerber wants the feel of the tournament to be very competitive (considering there will be a prize for the winning team), and not like the feel of playing it in Sports Skills.

“I feel like it will be a different atmosphere at this tournament because in Sports Skills, it’s not as competitive,” Gerber said. “The tournament setting will bring out the competitive side of people and bring out the true nature of Frisbee.”

Concerning the more academic aspects of creating his senior project, Gerber went on to talk about who he decided to interview for his expert interview portion of Senior Project.

“I interviewed Shawn Campbell, the athletic trainer at Westside,” Gerber said. “He’s been playing frisbee for a really long time. I found out that he plays frisbee through the summer ultimate league. The questions I asked him were more based off of the research I tried to do, too. Questions like ‘How has Frisbee grown over the years?’ and ‘What opportunities are there currently in Omaha for students to play Frisbee?'”

English instructor Matt Hodgson, who Gerber says will bring a “bro nature” and “fun spirits” to the tournament, will be overseeing and supervising the tournament as well.

Gerber recommends that participants bring water, some cleats (if they have them) and a light and dark t-shirt or jersey.

But ultimately, he said, “Just go out and have some fun!”