# 9 Westside vs Lincoln Pius X | WTV Live’s Girls Soccer Game of the Week

After a heartbreaking loss to Papillion-La Vista South six days ago the Westside girls soccer team is back on display on WTV Live’s game of the week. This time the Warriors will take on the 8-5 Lincoln Pius X Thunderbolts looking to get back on the right track. Just weeks away from the district tournament, the Westside girls soccer team hopes to take down a hot Thunderbolt offense at home on Monday, April 24. Pregame starts at 6:45 p.m. followed by game time at 7 p.m. Watch live as Madeline Schlegel, Ross Jernstrom, and the entire WTV crew give you this matchup.

Don’t forget the Dunkin Trivia Question of the game after the first half.

First-person to tweet #dunkintrivia with the correct answer will receive a $10 gift card to Dunkin Donuts.

Also, check out this matchup on Warrior Television

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