Westside vs Papillion-La Vista South | Westside Varsity Wrestling

After a huge dual win last Wednesday up against Class B top-ten Ralston, the Westside varsity wrestling team heads back home for another event on Jan. 27. After Omaha Northwest canceled due to inclement weather Westside’s senior night will go up against Papillion-La Vista South on Wednesday night. Coverage starts at 6:30 p.m. as Jaden Taylor and Kade Martin break down all three dual events on the night.


6:45 p.m. Senior Night Festivities

7:00 p.m. Westside vs Papillion-La Vista South

Don’t forget the Dunkin Trivia Question of the game at the middle point of the dual. The first person to tweet #dunkintrivia with the correct answer will receive a $10 gift card to Dunkin Donuts.

Also, check out this matchup on Warrior Television – YouTube

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