Senior uses trapshooting hobby to bond with family

When people think of sports, usually what comes to mind is some sort of competitive play between teams by using a ball to score and win. For Westside senior, Benjamin Hector, it’s the thrill of trapshooting.

Trapshooting involves shooting at a clay target that is thrown in the air. It’s a competitive sport that requires precise timing and accuracy.

“I started trapshooting in the eighth grade,” Hector said. “My grandfather inspired me and got me into it. He started in his teens, too.”

Hector uses a Browning 12-gauge shotgun to shoot different types of targets, each with their own unique shape and size. He normally practices at least once a week on Sundays.

“Our trapshooting league isn’t part of the high school, so there are only a few from Westside who participate,” Hector said. “Last year there was only three of us.”

Hector’s league meets at least six times in the spring. In late April, state finals will be held. There is also a Wasps League to allow people of all ages to participate.

“In the Wasps League, I shoot with my grandpa, my uncle and my brother,” Hector said. “Shooting is really the hardest part about it, for everyone.”