Hallway supervisor exodus causes waves of personal conflicts

January 25, 2016

Hallway supervisors are the enforcers of Westside, save a few police officers. They watch the exits to prevent unworthy students from leaving class and going to a restaurant or returning home prematurely.

Despite their important role at Westside High School, there has been a significant reduction of their position and many question why so many have left.

One supervisor, Jevan Booth, is new to the position at the school but recognizes the problem as well. He understands jobs are more complicated than they appear to be.

“There has been a lot of new jobs for bouncers,” Booth said. “Some with more benefits than others, and some people are leaving due to personal conflicts.”

Another supervisor, Daryl, had the personal dilemma of a new married life, resulting in him moving and living in California. Another member moved to a new location after only working at Westside for two weeks.

Some hallway supervisors see the time spent at the school could result in financial issues. These issues, however, aren’t a clear-cut case for the district to solve.

“Replacement can go very quickly,” one said. “Some schools also provide full-time but here it is only part-time.”

Older hallway supervisors also have conflicts being covered by the insurance, as many who are in their twenties are already covered by their parents’ insurance plan.

In the last five years, nearly 20 supervisors have left the school, there is no word if even more will leave this semester.

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