Sleepless Nights

Sleepless Nights

From the beginning of the school year, students feel pressure to get good grades. Some students choose to ignore or rebel against the pressure and continue to fly under the radar and allow their grades to slip. They don’t try as hard as they could and homework becomes a foreign term to them.

Then, you have to kids who take “good grades” to the extreme and load up their schedules with every AP course under the sun and will settle for nothing less than an A+. These students are the ones you hear constantly complaining about how they were up all night studying and didn’t get any sleep because they had too much to do.

To those students, I am glad it’s you and not me. I never did understand how kids can go through the week with only getting a couple hours of sleep a night. Props to you if you can function on little sleep.

I understand the occasional late night when it seems all your assignments are due the same night, but everyday? That’s just madness to me. Granted, I can’t really sit here and tell these students not to try because I realize that I put too much pressure on myself, as well. However, I have come to find out that homework done late at night (or early in the morning) tends to not be up to your usual standards and you have virtually no chance of retaining anything you just threw down on paper.

So for all you go-getters, good luck. I think it is admirable that you strive for perfection. But remember one thing: everyone needs sleep. Don’t wear yourself so thin that you aren’t sleeping at night. Learn that somethings can wait until tomorrow and there is more to life than perfect grades.