Senior Owen Wright has been working hard on the lanes the last two seasons and has come a long way. Wright joined the bowling team his junior year and has put in a lot of hard work not only as a player but to be a good teammate as well. He talks about some of his favorite memories on the team, some of the struggles he faces being both a student and a two-sport athlete, and how he spends his off time bowling with his friends.
Coach McDonald knows first-hand how the past few years have been with Owen on the team. He talks about how far Owen has come and how much he has improved.
“Owen came out last year as a junior and has put in a lot of crucial work to improve as a bowler. He works really hard in practice and prides himself on being a hard worker. I am incredibly proud of Owen,” McDonald says.
Wright tries to make a fun and chill environment for his teamates. He also tries to be a supportive teammate and build everyone up before matches and practices.
“I feel I am good about making it a good atmosphere and encouraging my teammates while at matches or practice. I am a good listener and coachable. Some things I can improve on for bowling is being consistent and really being focused at practice,” Wright says.
Senior Ian Steyskal describes how Wright is a good teammate and brings good energy to the team. He also appreciates that Wright is not afraid to ask his teammates and coaches for help when needed since he is newer to the team.
“Owen is a really good teammate and though he is new to bowling and needs help from teammates, he is always willing to listen and be coachable. Coming from the football team really helps his attitude towards getting better. He also has a lot of energy even when he isn’t bowling; always brings energy and helps other teammates when they are not bowling the best,” Steyskal
In bowling, paying attention to details is a very important part of the sport. McDonald says that Wright is very good at this and that he is very coachable.
“Being that he joined as a junior he has really improved as a bowler over the last two seasons. He does a really nice job with working to stay consistent and to improve on the details of the game. It is key to pay attention to details and he does a very good job of this,” McDonald said.
As a multi-sport athlete and a student, there are a lot of things you need to get done and need to be able to have good time management. Wright talks about how he manages to stay on top of school and how he pushes himself.
“What helps me is always being on top of school, I always make sure everything that has to be done or turned in. I don’t wait for things to be last minute. And by just using my time wisely. I push myself to succeed,” says Wright.
After high school, Wright is hoping to continue his football career as a punter and study at the University of Kansas for architecture. The team will miss Owen after he graduates.