The Westside girls bowling team had a clean sweep win against Marian on Dec.5. for their first match of the season. The team had high hopes for the season, but this win just reinforced their confidence.
Coach McDonald talks about how the match went, and how excited he is for the next to come.
“We had a very solid first performance of the season, top to bottom. Our varsity girls and jv girls won their matches,” said McDonald.
On Thursday the girls had a total pinfall of 863 in the first round and 881 in the second. Junior Manuela Kate talks about how she felt the match went.
“I felt the overall match was an easy sweep because everyone won both of their individual matches which resulted in a courtesy baker to finish off the day,” Kate said. “I felt the overall match for me individually was not my best but I knew going in that my team had my back. I always try to keep in mind it’s not about getting a new PR but gaining the edge in overall pin-fall.”
There were a couple of girls that did really well, including Abigail Rosloniec. Her total pinfall was around 200 in both rounds. Mcdonald talks about that impacted the overall win.
“Both our JV and Varsity girls did really well. Abigail Rosloniec had an especially good night, almost clipping 200 in game 1 and 2. Overall, this was a tremendous team effort,” McDonald said.
As this was the first match of the season, there was some jittery excitement before it started. But as it went on the girls knew they would be able to win against Marian.
Senior Abigail Rosloniec talks about how she and the team felt before the match and during.
“I was excited because it was the first match of the season, and I was excited to be in the competitive atmosphere,” Rosloniec said. “Going into the match we were confident because we all have experience.”
McDonald wasn’t surprised with the final score, or win, as he knew from the beginning that they would be able to pull through. As a coach Mcdonald also helped coach the girls through the match.
“I wasn’t surprised at all. These girls performed at a high level last season and finished 4th in the state. They put in a lot of hard work this off season and it showed in the first match of the season,” McDonald said. “Coach Hogan and I have emphasized hitting spares all season and have had them practice hitting spares in practice. This has helped them become more consistent in hitting spares. I think the big thing is to let them bowl and have fun and have a relaxed mindset heading into competition. They do a great job overall.”
Kate is one of the upperclassmen that leads the team as a veteran bowler. She helps the younger bowlers as they haven’t been there before.
“Leading the team as an upper class-man is such an amazing role because of how vocal I am when speaking up. All of us upper class-man always find a way to compromise and communicate for the better of the team and for the future of the Westside Bowling Program,” Kate said.
The next match for the girls is coming up quickly, and as the first win was beneficial for the girls their minds are still thinking about the future. Rosloniec talks about her individual mindset but also the mindset of the team.
“Our mindset going into the match as a team was to help support each other while also staying positive,” Rosloniec said. “My mindset going into the match was to think about all the things I’ve been working on in practice and focusing on being consistent.”
Going into the next match, McDonald wants to improve the girls spare game, and to always keep getting better.
“I would say we could always do better with hitting our spares and working to be more consistent with that. Overall, it was a great performance,” McDonald said. “We stress to keep improving 2% every day and with every practice. If we keep improving incrementally throughout the season little by little it will pay big dividends at the end of the season.”
The girls will take on the blank next week on Tuesday Dec.10. At West lanes bowling alley. Catch them in action for the second match, to help to reach their goal of the state tournament.