Westside Cheer Parents Association Sponsors Socktober Fundraiser

The Westside Cheer Parents Association, also known as CPA, is currently sponsoring the ‘Socktober’ fundraiser, where all the donations go towards the District 66 Clothing Closet. This fundraiser will be running through Friday, Nov. 1, and the cheerleaders are asking students to bring socks to their homerooms in order to support the cause.

For Westside’s CPA group’s ‘Socktober’ fundraiser, high school students are encouraged to bring socks to their homeroom for the District 66 Clothing Closet.

“[Socktober] is a fundraiser for the District 66 clothing closet to help them out because the colder weather is coming in, [so] they are really in need of socks and other clothing,” varsity cheerleader Lan Volberding said. “It would be a big help for [the district] for [students] to be a part of it.” 

Westside parent and CPA President Nicole Kelley said that the CPA is hosting the fundraiser to give the cheerleaders community service experience, as well as help out the Westside community.

“Our goal is to stock up [on] socks for kids in [grades] kindergarten through senior [year] in high school who are in need in the district,” Kelley said. “Currently, the socks are completely gone.”

Volberding said that it is important for students to donate as it is a great way to help out the community and it helps them realize that some of their peers are in need.

“This benefits the entire district,” Volberding said. “For those who are in need of clothes, it’s great for them to be able to go to the clothing closet.”